1101 Satellite View Suite 503, Round Rock, TX 78665, United States

Review №1

STAY AWAY FROM THIS PSYCHO LOCATIONPlease just drive a few miles further..So this happened today:I was told to sit on a stool in order to be photographed.My pockets were emptiedMy personal items were taken (phone, wallet, keys etc) and locked away.I was told to pull the pockets out of my pants to show that I was carrying no hidden items.My glasses were inspected and returned to me.I was given three pages of mandates and told that I must comply with them.I was escorted down a hallway into a secured room, equipped with multiple surveillance cameras.I performed a task, waited silently, then stood up.I was quickly escorted out of the room and berated by a masked attendant for standing without permission and told that this was a violation.I was informed that a case would be filed for this transgression and that they had video of the act.Where was I? Getting booked for a DUI? Being hauled to jail for outstanding warrants?No, I was taking a test in order be certified to teach math to non English speaking children.The irony? I paid for this!If you are a teacher but want the full convicted felon treatment, with a complimentary cavity search, get tested at:TMC_Round_Rock1101 Satellite ViewRound Rock, TX

Review №2

Avoid this testing center if possible. I had a decent experience, but the staff were not at all friendly. Nothing happened (I was super cooperative) but they definitely gave off a dont-mess-with-us-or-question-our-power-in-this-tiny-testing-center vibe. The check in process felt like a minimum security prison. I had to remove all my jewelry (??) check my pockets in front of them, and state that I acknowledged I was on video agreeing to the testing rules. Very weird procedures that I havent experienced with any of the many other tests Ive taken.There were some minor inconveniences (loud people next door, lights kept flickering on and off) but with all the hoops they make you jump through, you would think they would have corrected that. If you do go here, just keep your head down and get through your test

Review №3

WORST TESTING CENTER EXPERIENCELet me start by saying this is the first review Ive ever written and felt compelled to do so in the hopes of helping people avoid the hassle of choosing this testing center.I arrived 15 minutes before my 1pm appointment. I walk in to let them know and they say they arent ready for me yet and tell me to wait in my vehicle. Waited....30 minutes pass and they come out asking if I would like to keep waiting or reschedule my appointment.I scheduled my test to re-certify some certs due to expire the following day, so I had no choice but to wait. I asked for an estimate and the lady couldnt even provide that.About an hour later, she comes back out saying they HAVE to reschedule me. I asked for a reason why and all she could tell me was it is out of our control. I waited close to two hours and they didnt even have the courtesy to let me know why I had to reschedule. Two hours of my life gone waiting just to be told to leave without explanation. Not even taking into account me having to schedule time off work, arranging childcare just to make it to this 1PM appointment. But giving a reason why I had to wait and ultimately reschedule is too much to ask.Ive been to numerous testing centers and this is by far the worst experience Ive had. The staff are very unprofessional, rude, and act extremely inconvenienced to even have to talk to their customers. This place is pretty much proctors on a power trip over test takers...On top of that, I had to spend over an hour on the phone with Pearson Vue to reschedule my test because of this testing centers incompetence.Avoid this place at all costs.. I REALLY wish I read prior reviews on this place before scheduling my test there. Only reason I chose it was because it was the closest to me. Drive to a further testing center if you have to, youll be glad you did

Review №4

Unreal experience at this center, the African American lady at the front desk was extremely unprofessional and rude. Firstly, I was told to keep my mask at all times which I had no issues with. As I was taking my test my mask was nowhere beneath my nose and proctor came in and rudely interrupted me mid test stating that if I did not keep my mask on she would make me leave the facility. I took the entire test with my hand over my mask so it wouldn’t move down. Secondly, I needed to take a bathroom break and sat with my hand raised for almost 30 MINUTES before I got up and asked for help. The lady approached me and rudely said she will kick me out the test room because of my actions. I informed her that my test allowed me to take bathroom breaks, and that I had my hand raised for a long period of time. She responded by telling me she needed to confirm that with a phone call. At this point I’ve been holding my pee for more than 40 minutes and can’t even concentrate on my exam. She comes back and tells me that I can now go to the bathroom after I clearly told her that my test allowed me to take a bathroom break. The demeanor of this lady was extremely ignorant, I hope people can see the reviews and avoid this place at all costs !

Review №5

AVOID THIS PLACE!!! No Stars!!!I picked this place due to its location and convenience but I was sadly mistaken. The lady at the front is extremely rude and disrespectful. I arrived at the time stated on my ticket and the door was lock. Then she comes out and scolded another person and I for standing outside the door. She instructed us to go back to our cars and wait. I strongly recommend that you avoid this place at all cost! It’s not worth it! Testing room is small (size of a small bedroom) and crowded with people.

Review №6

I am very disappointed with this testing site. The lady in the office was very rude and talked demeaning to me. When asking how much longer I’d have to wait for my exam (appointment was at 9am and had to wait 45min! Not including getting there early as stated to do) She rudely said “get in your car. We’ll get you when we’re ready” When I asked if she had an estimate of the wait time all she did was repeat her statement in a demeaning tone. I understand that things get backed up and we may need to wait but there is a professional way to handle simple questions. I have sent a review of this testing site to Pearson and hopefully something changes as from the reviews I see here, I’m not the only one who has experienced this. If you want a less stressful testing experience find a different testing site!

Review №7

I took two exams here, about a week apart. In my brief visit, I had a lot to take in. Easy to locate, clean and very tidy.Technology: for using computer based testing, these computers are ancient. Like others, my exam simply shut off in the middle of it. I waited for about 15 minutes with my hand up, waving back and forth. No one was coming to assist me, I get up, leave the room and peek around the hallway. I was scolded to not leave my seat when I said your computer shut off she hissed back at me to not leave my seat. She corrected the error and I was back to test taking.Close Quarters:This is a very small business park and the office is between a busy medical spa and an energy company. I could hear every word the energy people discussed through ear plugs and ear muffs. It was very distracting.Instructions are clear, for the most part. However, two forms of ID should disclose only ONE form of PHOTO ID is necessary, unless these ladies enjoy seeing panic on peoples faces. Travel lightly, put your devices on airplane mode if youre not brave enough to leave them in the car.

Review №8

AVOID THIS PLACE! I feel slightly vindicated after reading the rest of these reviews..its not just me, but still not happy. The woman at the front made this experience feel like detention or what I would imagine prison is like. The computers are so slow, that they couldnt handle the DOS-like platform of my test. 30 seconds-1 minute thinking time between most questions of a 150 question exam is not acceptable. When the computer ultimately crashed, I raised my hand quietly as instructed. After several minutes of no response, I start waving it back and forth, hoping that the woman in front sees the movement and checks in. After what seemed like 10 minutes i eventually bellowed hello in a nice manner, but loud enough for them to hear me (Im the only one taking a test in the entire facility). She storms down the hall and angrily scolds me for talking. I told her that I had my hand up and patiently waiting for her to assist, and she said, I dont care!, you say nothing and keep your hand up until I assist you!. When I asked what a reasonable amount of time for me to wait before saying something, she asked me to leave the facility. Stunned, mouth agape, she repeatedly asked me to leave. Finally the Manager(i think), comes to see what the commotion is, assess the situation, sees that I am not being unreasonable and allows me to finish taking the test after the computer is fixed. That interaction occupied my mind for the duration of the test... and I had to listen to the woman talk loudly on the phone for the last hour of my test! I rarely write these.. but had to this time. Such a miserable experience, glad I passed the test... otherwise I would have likely blamed my performance on this. It certainly didnt help. I sure hope Pearson realizes that this facility is an extremely poor representative of their company.

Review №9

I had a good experience taking a test here and luckily didnt have any problems. Lynn was nice and got me checked in on time and she followed all the protocols. My computer worked fine. I was the only one in the room taking a test so I was glad about that. The room is kinda small and it is open with no dividers. It was a little chilly in the room. I was told to raise my hand when I finished the test and not to get up, which I did for about 15 minutes before anyone came in. That was a little annoying. Overall, it was a good experience. Much better than Tactix.

Review №10

I had just dropped my kid off at my in-laws to drive to this facility to take my car locked with my keys and things inside...luckily my husband is a very handy man and was able to get my car unlocked with a coat hanger...these things take time but happen....I left at 11:30 rushing to get there by 12. I called 7 times and left 2 messages due to the fact I was running late and wanted to double check that I would still be able to test. Never got a response. When I finally arrive at 12:30 they turned me away...which is fine but if someone would’ve answered the phone and communicated with me I wouldn’t have driven an hour just to be told I couldn’t take it. I may have shut the door a little harder than normal people due to my frustration. Went back to my car to literally cry my eyes out due to being upset...went back in to get the Pearson number and the front lady (who I hadn’t dealt with the first time) told me that I needed to leave from the property or she was going to cal the cops. I asked her politely if I could just get the Pearson number and she threatened me again and grabbed her phone to call the cops.Not helpful and highly rude...granted I wasn’t the most friendly either... however they didn’t seem too busy that someone couldn’t have answered one call on the 7 I tried.

Review №11

I took the Pearson Assessments MAT exam at Taylor Made Careers in February 2021. Its located in a little commercial business park and the space is small but also very convenient as you can park and go right in. As an anxious tester I like to know exactly what to expect. In the hopes of helping someone else I have a few suggestions to someone testing here so there will be no surprises.Suggestions to the tester:First, read everything the testing center sends you. I read some of the negative reviews and many of the issues other testers had could have been eliminated by reading the guidelines and asking questions in advance.Second, arrive earlier than you think you need to. Covid-19 protocols mean that you may have to wait outside if there are other people in the small lobby area going through the pre-testing procedures with the staff because only 2 testers are even allowed in the lobby at one time. This wait could be 10-15 minutes which might seem like an eternity.Third, travel very light. There are lockers you can store a few items in but only a very small bag or a wallet, phone, and keys, and a small piece of outerwear as the lockers are extremely small. They will allow you to take stuff back out to your car if you need to but each little step you save yourself has the potential to lower any testing anxiety. You will need to show that your pockets are empty before you test and all you can take in with you is your locker key.Last, but maybe most importantly, use the bathroom first. This may seem obvious but when were nervous we can forget the basics. Most tests dont allow you to leave your seat once you have begun, and if you alert the testing center staff to use the facilities you will still be on the testing clock while you are away from your seat. The bathroom I used was extremely clean and I have very high standards.A few additional things to note:You can not ask questions once the test starts so the only reason you would want the attention of the staff is because you have a technical issue with the computer, the test, or because you need to use the bathroom. The staff watches and records you on camera. You alert them that you need to use the facilities by raising your hand and waiting. I found the testing center staff to be very responsive when my computer had a minor blip, and the problem was resolved immediately.The testing center also provides ear plugs if you need them but I did not as I was the only tester in my testing room, and although I could hear that there were people in the lobby area it was very quiet. I did also notice on my way out that there was a new, sealed, package of earplugs at every computer terminal.The only suggestion I would make to the testing center is to invest in a digital clock for each testing room. A tester cant take even an analog watch in to the test, and although my computerized test counted the time in progress down I had no idea that it would do so until the test actually started. I endured several minutes of very high anxiety worrying that I would have no idea how to pace myself during the test.In summary, the testing center was clean, comfortable, and the staff was polite, professional, and thorough, in sharing the information I needed to take the test in keeping with the rules. I absolutely recommend this testing center for the convenience of it, and I wouldnt hesitate to use TMC again for any of my personal testing needs.

Review №12

I worked with them on several occasions taking exams and each time was a pleasure!

Review №13

I have been to this place twice for exams. The first time I witnessed the lead proctor demean a tester for getting out of his seat to ask a question. Rules are clear to stay seated and I just assumed this person was having a bad day.This last time which forced me to write this review:I showed up as the last tester on Friday 12/18 at 3:50PM. There were no other testers with the lead proctor and an assistant. The assistant took my temp with a therm gun and stated I was red. When I asked what the temp was, they refused repeatedly and would only state I was red. They stated I will need to reschedule.I immediately took my temp when I went home and it was 98.5. For peace of mind I took a COVID test Sunday and Wed. it comes back negative.Here I am an hour + on the phone with Pearson Vue getting assistance and I see she marked me as a No Show and didnt file any paperwork with Pearson or CompTIA. (3 business days after the scheduled test)Due to the poor attitude of the lead proctor, and this blatant refusal under false pretenses, inability to file required paper work, and overall headache this has caused, I will not use their services again and I encourage anyone else to go elsewhere.

Review №14

Staff was VERY rude. I could not ask any questions without being responded to in a aggressive manner. They also could not handle the small amount of people coming in to test. The staff member checking me in could not work the system to log me in and demanded that I had to reschedule or leave. This was an important career entrance exam that I will now have to wait 6 months to retake. I made a big mistake going here.

Review №15

Professional staff. I had no problems w/ the check-in and check-out process.

Review №16

Ive been to quite a few testing centers through my career. This one is the worst! And I cannot blame covid19 for everything. 2.5 hours past my exam time standing in the sun outside with no shade or water or even an explanation. And when a few of us asked for one we were threatened by canceling our exams. If I didnt have to do the exam today I would have left. Testing room is too small and the test takers are cramped there. Not even sure it fits into Pearsons standards.

Review №17

Harassment!!! I followed all of their silly rules and began to take my test I had no jacket or anything in my pockets I simply removed my over shirt flannel and I had it on my chair they interrupted me to ask me to store it. I believeThat alone is harassment but I complied then they told me because I left the room that I wouldn’t be able to continue my test and I would have to reschedule! Do yourself a favor and just schedule your test somewhere else. I should’ve looked up the reviews before I scheduled. Clearly I’m not the only one they have tried to cancel.

Review №18

Rude and inconsiderate staff. Will never recommend testing here and will never be coming back.

Review №19

An exam cancellation notification was sent to me 35 minutes before I was scheduled to begin. The reason was that internet access as down. Also, when asking for rescheduling assistance, it was not provided.If you are to take an exam with assurance that your schedule will hold, avoiding rounds of re-scheduling, I strongly suggest looking elsewhere.

Review №20

Great testing, no noise and easy parking. Was a great place to go in and out. For your testing needs i would recommend.

Review №21

Very good testing center, easy to sign in and get straight to work. Employees are also very generous. Highly recommend this testing center.

Review №22

Extremely rude staff. Was asked to wait outside (given COVID-19, I understood this) I waited 45 minutes before I was able to come inside. The Employee was extremely rude, and constantly accused me of being disrespectful. A woman who was in line with me was asked to leave after explaining that she had a medical condition and would need access to the bathroom during the test. When I gave the other candidate my information I was told to leave as well. I asked to talk with a supervisor, and the employee threatened to call the police if I didnt leave immediately. Made a complaint with PearsonVue. Well see what comes out of it.

Review №23

Email requested I arrive 30 minutes. I arrived at 8:30, but the person working here did not show up until 9:05. Very unprofessional.

Review №24

I had my MOS certification test today. I was a bit nervous, but Lynn was upbeat, helpful, and very kind. The testing environment was simple, clean, and I took my test with no issues. If I decide to go for more certifications, I will be coming back.Thank you!

Review №25

The lady at the lobby didnt wear a mask until she needed to enter the room with cameras. The other employee had his mask on the neck the whole time. The computers where you take the test are old and there is no effective social distancing. If you can do yourself a favor and avoid it.

Review №26

Zero Stars isnt available. **SIGH**If youd like to make the stress of taking a tough examination worse... Come here. I sat down to take my exam and the screen went black. Raised my hand. Went to another terminal. Error code this time. The lady working there said that it was on PEARSON VUEs fault and I needed to call tech support. I asked if she could call them so that I could take the exam? She said she tried in the morning and didnt want to since she knew it would be the same answer and that I needed to reschedule.Make a long story short I was pretty well beyond frustrated after driving 90 minutes to this location. Then she threatened to have me be reprimanded and that I would no longer be able to take the test anywhere and would not receive a refund. Then she handed me another persons zip lock bag of possessions. I said thats not mine. I need my keys now Id like to leave. She responded by rifling through other peoples bags to try find my one key I left in a bag because I thought it safer to lock my personal items in my vehicle than let them have access to them (passport, wallet, credit cards etc).Also as a C19 note. Everyones personal items are in the same bags over and over again. She didnt know whose stuff belonged to who and the employees and test takers were not wearing any PPE and the hand sanitizer was totally empty. *SUPER* Frustrating on every level imaginable. If this is Pearson VUE..? I expect better. Infinitely better than this place... And I got to sit 2-3 feet from someone elses cubicle with a cardboard divider not once but twice on computers that didnt work even though there were other spots available further away from people.And I brought a calculator that was approved (4 function) without alpha numeric characters. She said it had letters on it and could not be used... *SIGHH*.. I dont know of any calculator that doesnt have a C on it. I guess maybe I should complain to Amazon? Idk.Maybe it was an off employee or a hard time for us all due to C19 but whatever the case.. This place was absolutely beyond the definition of awful.. And the response to the challenges of the computer thing just didnt make any sense.Best of luck to you if you opt to take an examination at this place.Youre a champion if you come away without issues and challenges at this place... Or lucky. Either way.. This is an absolutely awful examination environment.

Review №27

I have taken two CLEP exams at the Round Rock location and have zero complaints. Lynn and her staff are friendly and professional. I will return to complete more tests soon.

Review №28

My testing center of choice.

Review №29

I scheduled an exam and was told to show up 15 minutes prior to the exam. When I showed up the office was closed and the doors were locked. After waiting for over 20 minutes an employee showed up and was rude and combative with me. DO NOT USE THIS PLACE. There are plenty of other testing locations in the area.Edit: The owner is now accusing me of being disruptive when she was rude and dismissive after wasting my time. I hope she has evidence of these so called actions because slander and defamation are real things. She has been reported to both PearsonVue and Microsoft for her abusive and harassing behavior. If she continues to harass me she will be reported to the authorities

Review №30

Everything was good except the temperature in the testing room was very hot. It started making me sleepy during the exam. I would never go back because of this.

Review №31

Terrible staff experience. I understand unexpected circumstances occur but please let us know.

Review №32

Everything is good, even you can start little bit early, not need to wait for exact scheduled time. I like it more then on-line exams :)

4 Photos
2.3 Rating
  • Address:1101 Satellite View Suite 503, Round Rock, TX 78665, United States
  • Site:
  • Phone:+1 737-808-3871
  • Business management consultant
  • Training centre
  • Consultant
  • Technical school
Working hours
  • Monday:Closed
  • Tuesday:9am–6pm
  • Wednesday:9am–6pm
  • Thursday:Closed
  • Friday:9am–6pm
  • Saturday:9am–6pm
  • Sunday:Closed
  • Women-led:Yes
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