2805 N Parham Rd STE 100, Richmond, VA 23294, United States

Review №1

I work for Teleperformance . They are unorganized and unprofessional. I started on the 26th of July and payday was August 7th . I did not receive a check or direct deposit . I notified my trainer . She did nothing . Didnt reach out to anybody to help assist with the problem . Just kept telling me to open a new case and somebody will get with me . Also , my trainer put it the system i worked two days and it affected my check which I haven’t even gotten . So therefore , If I would have gotten the check it would have still been incorrect. They keep marking my cases as solved when nobody has even taken the time to help me . It’s getting upsetting because I’m not the only person who had a payroll problem and we both still have not gotten help with it . I’m seriously thinking about quiting because they do not care as long as they get paid .

Review №2

Clean building used as a call center. Lots of parking and security doors, as well as an outside sitting area.Im a new worker here, so I cant speak on more than that.

Review №3

The WORST place to work for. They’re ALWAYS messing up your checks and making you wait for your money. It’s ridiculous how they treat their employees and former employees. By far would not recommend anyone to work for this horrible treacherous company.

Review №4

Very clean atmosphere.... Polite security...seems like a great place to work

Review №5

Today I had amazing customer service with a representative named Isiah Haskins. As teleperformance provides customer service for USAA, I came across Isiah when I was attempting to find out information on my account. During this time, he was training and if he did not know the answer, he would Iook for the answer for me and let me know all of my options. Because he was unable to give me a way to leave feedback for him while I was on the phone, I asked for his information so I could leave feedback for him on here. I just wanted to leave feedback about how amazing he did at helping me instead of just attempting to get me off the phone or telling me false information to end the call. He was patient with me and gave me time to process the information so that I could decide my best course of action. This has been some of the BEST customer service I have had in a while.

Review №6

This whole site is an unorganized mess. Really horrible management and operations. Benefits are nonexistent and this company neglects to pay raises and overtime work appropriately.

Review №7

The entire staff was friendly and helpful. My appointment went fast as well.

Review №8

To Future Employees,Please know this before submitting an application . Ive worked for the company for at least 6 months now to give a good description of the work environment. My coworkers and i have experienced bite marks and when complaining to hr about the situation the only action that took place was the cleaning crew vacuum cleaning . The next following week we were now allowed to sit in the area which people are still experiencing the same recurring issues. My manager Tim in the mortgage department was the best manager i could have . He was so honest , genuine , and willing to work with you . Recently the company came up with a rule that any time missed has to be made up before Sunday . First warning was a verbal, written , and then final . Imagine having real life issues outside of work and not having the time to even make up hours . However , the company is the most unorganized company i have worked for . My department was recently notified that they can only have 40 people total . So you could only imagine why things were getting so strict . Some of the managers lecture you about your work ethics but are the same ones neglecting the rules. Ive seen managers leave early excessively , abuse their breaks and lunches , and even been under the influence . They also gossip about you behind your back but yet for some reason theres no actually consequences. Theirs been a fire in the parking area, an active murder has been in the building surrounded by Henrico County police , and even car accidents . If you have medical issues this is not the job for you . Doctor notes are frown upon . Family emergency are barely allowed. Everything is about a head count with this company . Your a number not a person . Take everything under consideration before applying . Best of luck to the company !

Review №9

I was there 10 months, Poor management, no assistance, they don’t like when you ask questions, they only point out the bad I put my 2 weeks notice in and they just told me to leave that day, they monitor literally everything you do, if you make a mistake on a call you’ll automatically be on a final, they try to enforce using your tools KD because they don’t know anything, they tell us to call helpline if there’s any questions but if they give us the wrong info they will still blame you for “not using tools” no sick days, if u have a DR note it doesn’t matter you’re still penalized, no PTO until a year Which is on 54 hours, medical benefits suck if u work here continue to look for a better job because everyone is easily replaceable!! They don’t care about the employees

Review №10

Theyre very unprofessional from top to bottom. My trainer was sheisty and underhanded. If you dont mind stepping on the backs of others to make it to the top this company is for you. They do not communicate at all. They never answer the phone at front desk. I dont like the idea of someone having to relay a message to me and they dont communicate. And to top it off they owe me money. I went to collect my check and was told it was mailed. Days have gon by and I have not received my pay. Mind you this is after I called 15 times to see when I could come pick up my check. The staff is trash. Period

Review №11

Very unprofessional! You cant have your cell phone behind the turn styles which I understand to an extent because there is private information on the customers like their account info and SS# however, I had an emergency with my kids and was NEVER told about the emergency until I went on break and called to make sure my kids were okay! They werent okay and had to be rushed to the hospital and the emergency number they gave me to give to my sister worked, but the worker who answers that number failed to relay the message. They claim they have flexable schedules but they dont. Literally the only two things that are good about the company is the pay, and the fact that they pay for your P&C test to get your insurance license in 47/48 states. Other than, dont go there unless you are bored and like drama.

Review №12

This company allows discrimination against employees!

Review №13

Got offered a job

Review №14

Was there for a year its the most unprofessional place i have ever stepped foot in !! great pay but comes with poor staff and even worse upper management. I watched many agents get fired because a supervisor would pick fights with agents and abuse her power. As well as Supervisors are to busy smoking weed outside instead of taking care of real issues at hand. Always pray a new class gets trained correctly if not you as a agent will be doing the supervisors work while they are nowhere to be found. Its a half decent job to get experience and I would recommend it for a starter call center job dont plan on staying to long. PS:The ladies restrooms are always a hot mess and smell like a dead aquarium its sickening women there just dont care .

Review №15

Very misleading with the pay and very ghetto they braid hair and twerk in the breakroom. If I could compare it to anything its like a high school. But its an amazing platform to jump start a career in the insurance industry but not a place where you would want to stay. If your an African American you will not be promoted to certain positions. If youre a white Male you will have a better chance of being at the highest position.

Review №16

I was hired by this company on the 28 January to begin training on 5 February. After being told I was in amazing candidate,it was On 7 January I was dismissed due to a misdemeanor they seen on my background check. This is after being told all checks were ran and I was good for employment. Due to the negligence of the hiring process I lost a week of jobseeking you have also turn down other offers with intentions of being employed there. Still waiting on payment from 22 Feb. it’s 1 March!!

Review №17

The instructor was nice but the actual setup for study wasnt good and the work environment is shady

Review №18

Very misleading. They hired my son, got an offer letter stating $14.00 an hour and after training $17.00. To his surprise it was one week class work not training and then an exam. He really studied for this exam but however, he failed. They did did pay him for the 5 days , only told him he can pay $52. and resit exam.

Review №19

One of the worlds premier names in customer service, with over 300,000 employees worldwide! An excellent place to work, which believes in merit and skill more than what someones pieces of paper say.

Review №20

I work here. Its so friendly and they appreciate their employees with the utmost respect. Best decision to quit my CNA job and come here.

Review №21

Waste of time of a professional educated person, unpleasant atmosphere, convoluted process. Less employment opportunity and more social experiment. Orientation is just a long list of ways u can be fired and why. No self respecting adult would be able to maintain sanity here.

Review №22

Very poor customer service by Latoya for USAA with no consideration for handicapped disabled people whom served our country.Latoya is dis credit to this call centerThen she transferred me to voicemail hell never returning to the phone

Review №23

I drove over an hour for an interview to fail one question on a grammar test to be sent home and told to come back in a week. Ridiculous. How is that an interview? I knew the question I missed instantly before even telling me I missed one. She still wouldnt let me fix it. Itll let you know now if you have a failure to appear to court or any such thing thats a misdemeanor that they do not like your not able to get the job so dont waste your time!

Review №24

Good pay, very bad management, changing managements like every months, supervisors don’t have respect for you or even time for you, They lie to you. Would never pick up their call, like they to busy, but when you go there, they are doing not than taking a break and smoking cigarettes outside, They won’t hesitate to fire you even with a reasonable explanation, I could give 0 starts if there was.

Review №25

The pay increase was nice, BUT!! A new class can hit production and their Sup will take a 3 day vacation before an introduction. Sups refuse to work Saturdays and lack the knowledge to instruct anyone. The answer to every other question is WING IT. You have to raise your hand to get assistance for everything including every lunch break. The womens restrooms are disgusting, the lockers are gross and so is the presentation of the people working here. Theyve hired more people than its possible to be seated. Majority of the headsets are defective, a car is being towed every 2 hrs, they dont need mentors on the floor they need a helpline for each department, why pay people to gossip all day? What adult wants to raise their hand to be ignored by someone tuned into gossip?

Review №26

Most unprofessional place I’ve ever stepped foot in. Big mistake coming from actual corporate America. Middle school atmosphere. A company of 90% black employees -mostly women, but most EVERYONE in charge is a white person mainly male with no prior related experience or background doing what they do and promoted after barely anytime after their hire date. They push the narrative of “inner promotion” hard but it seems to miss a whole demographic. Make it make sense. They like to hire people with no prior call center experience so you don’t realize how bad it is. They expect POC to be uneducated and talk to us as so and like this is the BEST thing we have ever and will ever be offered . I had more peace of mind working fast food.

Review №27

I worked there for a year. There is a lot to say about the company like the lack of professionalism, organization, and all around discrimination within the company itself. During that time they temporarily laid off over 120 employees due to licensing issues which was due to negligence of the company and them being behind on licensing. After that, their supervisors have a biased and single handledly find reasons to justify firing people. It is easy to promote within the company but upon doing so they would come and ask you to assist in thier conspiracy. I was also harassed by human resource person. He is completely inappropriate and after he inappropriately crossed lines with a friend of mine in regards to his sexual preferences, he would comment on any and everything even it was not applicable. One time he took my cupcakes I had for a team meeting and accused me of soliciting and threatened to fire me because of it. Finally I took a leave of absence that was approved. They fired me while I was on leave and canceled the leave without giving me notice, and used that as justification to not pay me my paid time off that I earned after being there a year. And stated i abandoned the job. I got a lot of experience from this job... but this has been the worse call center I ever worked at, and considering I had to do outbound sales that says a lot. If I had the opportunity to go back I wouldn’t.

Review №28

Very rude security guard

Review №29

A horrible place to work. They do not value their employees, which is why they have a high turnover rate and will hire just about anyone. Good pay and good to start off in insurance- obtain your property and casualty licenses and take it to another insurance company. You dont want to be surrounded by unprofessional people including many of the supervisors. I left because of mine. She was a ghetto piece of work. Im glad they eventually fired her because the of confusion shed create. She made the work environment very stressful and could deter anyone from wanting to stay.

Review №30

Not a bad job, but unless you are a pet dont plan on being there long

Review №31

Three years coming up. Would be gone if i can get better paying job. Very unorganized all over the place. It has gotten worse over the years.Good place to start.

Review №32

Severely disorganized company! Management and owners are never on the same page! They’ve lost several BIG contracts in the recent past (sketchy). High employee turnover rate. No job security. Horrible location. Doesn’t pay very much, and the company offers absolutely no employee benefits whatsoever!

Review №33

If youre white, light skinned or mixed you can be a supervisor. We have 30 min lunches that you have to raise your hand for and no room for growth. Smh

Review №34

If you have absolutely no place to go then apply. If you like sitting at a computer all day and being inconsistently monitored by your progress then this is for you. It is a third party company for USAA. Very unorganized and the screening process is terrible

Review №35

This is a great place to work with lots of growth opportunities.

Review №36

Absolute garbage company. They lie about interviews and placement and begin stating that because youve never been in the military you dont know how to be empathetic to people in or out of the military with ptsd. Its like they dont think other people have issues too. They made an illegal requirement for employment. Not to mention they interview with 4 people in the room. And they interviewer is ignorant as all hell.

Review №37

Love the atmosphere. Only been here for the pre-license class. I think that the trainers need a raise.

Review №38

Sat for two hours just to be told I couldnt interview because of misdemeanors. Screening process could be more considerate.

Review №39

Ppl speed thru the parking lot

Review №40

I set up a phone interview at 8:00am February 4, 2020. They never called, never sent a email, or texted me stating that they could not do it today. I wasted time waiting for them. I don’t understand how people even got the job in the first place, if they never call like they say they will.

Review №41

Go work here if you absolutely have to...otherwise, keep looking :)

Review №42

Very unprofessional , bias and managers drink on the jobs other gossip about you . They don’t help and if one doesn’t like you they all don’t like you . The HR lady is very messy and specifically said there’s a few employees she would like to walk out of the building . They run off of friendships , if they don’t like you you will see your way out Very shortly .

Review №43

I worked there and it was the worse experience of my life gging fired for nothing

Review №44

Wouldn’t recommend working here

Review №45

A company that discriminates against people with any criminal record. Also they have a very high turnover rate.

Review №46

I work here and it is a very tense and uninviting atmosphere. But they do pay well, if youre willing to deal with the drama.

Review №47

I was hired on the spot passed drug screen even Aced the interview process then a day before my start date A hire representative calls me say you failed your back ground I asked how she had no explanation for it i was wondering how because i just left a federal employee with the same back ground trash company to work for

Review №48

Just started working with them

Review №49

You will need patience. 💯.

Review №50

Shea has great customer service..

Review №51

Always have you waiting

Review №52

Could use better site maintenance

Review №53

Love this companys mission!

Review №54

Steer clear of this call center if your in the market for a job. Very unorganized, unprofessional, and out of touch with the modern advances of call centers.

Review №55

I absolutely love working here!!

Review №56

Fantastic place to work.

Review №57

Great place to get a job

Review №58

Not much to say. Call center for USAA

Review №59

My work.

Review №60

Treatment is unfair , everyone does not play by the same rules

Review №61

Very clean, spacious, relaxed environment

Review №62

I love working here

Review №63

Good place to work

Review №64

Love my job

Review №65

Its ok. Kinda strict

Review №66

Stupid place hired me and waited a month later after I was hired to tell me my background was an issue on my 1st day of orientation in front of everyone.

Review №67

Does anyone know the phone number or how I can get in touch with someone up at the office?

Review №68

Good place to work

Review №69

Terrible place to work!

Review №70

Great place

Review №71

Its ok

Review №72

It pays well

Review №73

Do they drug test

Review №74

Learn fast

Review №75

Very friendly people

Review №76

Very friendly

Review №77


Review №78


Review №79

Lift the hot spot

2 Photos
3 Rating
  • Address:2805 N Parham Rd STE 100, Richmond, VA 23294, United States
  • Site:
  • Phone:+1 804-205-1533
  • Telecommunications service provider
Working hours
  • Monday:7am–1am
  • Tuesday:7am–1am
  • Wednesday:7am–1am
  • Thursday:7am–1am
  • Friday:7am–1am
  • Saturday:7am–1am
  • Sunday:7am–1am
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