USA Link System
1945 Gardena Ave Suite 100, Glendale, CA 91204, United States

Review №1

I love working here and have never been at a better company. Our HR leadership team are exceptionally supportive, flexible, and I’m rewarded fairly and often. Top management truly cares about its people. We are given freedom and encouraged to deliver the best experience possible. My colleagues are my friends. Our culture is real, non competitive, family friendly, and always top of mind. USA Link System goes through great effort to make sure it’s people are taken care of. This allows the culture of diversity to really flourish.

Review №2

USA Link System is a company that exudes warmth, genuinely cares about its people and the environment, and has a family-like culture. Rounding out my second year at USA Link System, and I love working for an employer that wants to make a difference. Theres a solid emphasis on manager development, a program that keeps growing and improving. At the company level, the CEO consistently listens to the workforce and outlines the groundwork for improvements based on employee survey feedback. Teams are high-performing and collaborative, although, this may vary slightly across the organization. Hyper growth is starting to encourage upgrades in infrastructure, tools, and processes. Looking forward to the next two years, USA Link System!

Review №3

Transparency from leadership and all departments. Amazing collaboration across all departments. Teams excited to help you succeed. From day one, USA Link System does everything you can think of in order to set you up for success -SO MUCH MORE! I feel challenged in my job every day and am constantly learning. I have conversations both with my direct manager and our director often and always feel heard and supported. Senior Management easily accessible, helpful as always.

Review №4

Friendly coworkers, company and vendor events, awesome location in the loop, pretty casual environment. If youre willing to work hard and put in the effort, opportunities will come. Growth is possible as long as you continue to put in hard work month after month. The company isnt huge, so you can see the result of your work. Colleagues are pretty laid-back and very helpful. Very flexible and understanding. The people who work at USA Link System truly make our company as wonderful as it is. I am excited to come to work and see friends everyday.

Review №5

Fast growing company with tremendous success. Strong emphasis on culture and people. Lots of opportunity for professional growth for talented and passionate people. Clear vision with a plan to continue our growth indefinitely. Strong commitment to continued education and life-long learning. Good blend of autonomy and supported direction. Management, all very focused on communicating the strategic direction of USA Link System as a firm, and how that impacts individuals day-to-day lives – said another way, theres clearly articulated purpose at all levels of the organization.

Review №6

Aside from great employee benefits and competitive pay company offers, culture of the company was very important to me. I was warmly welcomed by all. Everyone try to make my first days as pleasant as possible. I did not think that companies like this one exist any more. Very organized and clean place to work. Adequate staffing and management is always on top of issues that arise.

Review №7

Great work environment! Everyone is always encouraging and helpful. All employees practice teamwork and work hard to achieve their goals. Most of the people are friendly. I really enjoy working with all of my colleagues. Its a very warm and welcoming atmosphere in our office and everyone feels like family – great work/life balance – great office environment. The best company Ive ever worked for.

Review №8

I would like to say some words about this company. As for me, its a perspective company. I see clear direction of its development and its long-term strategy. Lets say in other words, here its cool. The company is growing and improving itself, and you with it, as well. And I appreciate this fact most of all. You can try something new here and this inspires me a lot.

Review №9

I strongly recommend this company for those who wanna learn by doings, and wanna do while others just think about it. This is very fast-growing company and is targeting to satisfy just as clients needs, so employees needs too. All company benefits attract high intelligence and this inspires to work here even more. Especially, to think about yourself as the one of these smart people!

Review №10

There are a ton of pros! Ive been at USA Link System for just around 2 months and its been one of the best experiences Ive had as a recruiter! The company is exciting and where we are going as a company is what gets me up in the morning! Very excited to be here! People you work with here are generally motivated and hungry to make an impact and show value. USA Link System has helped me grow and mature, particularly in engaging and communicating with peers and colleagues effectively, and while many companies may talk about trying to foster an open-sharing collaborative environment, USA Link System actually puts it into practice.

Review №11

The USA link system is a qualified digital company. It can provide very good service in developing, programming and marketing area. With no doubts, this company can resolve any kind of problems and can help with all your needs. Do you have a start-up business? Do you want to develop it and to achieve big results? So, you can address to a digital marketing agency. And here we have a very good opportunity to receive excellent service with equal expenses with ULS.

Review №12

Work life balance is great, clock in and clock out, and the work is easy to perform. Lots of support for all team members. Discount is great. Employee benefits are even better. Pay & bonuses are competitive & tailored to local job markets. They do an excellent job coaching you in the ways of giving and receiving feedback, making meaningful connections with guests and each other, and not to mention emphasize the importance of balance.

Review №13

The people and culture. It doesnt matter if the person is someone you work closely with, work for, see around the office, or senior leadership, they all take time to notice and interact with you on both a professional and personal level. There is genuine efforts to keep a good work life balance and to recognize efforts and work that gets completed. The culture is outstanding. Leadership is constantly requesting feedback and ways to try and improve things for both teams and individuals.

Review №14

Outstanding quality of work/life balance. Supportive and easy going management. Career growth opportunities and many different work programs. Good benefits. One of the best places to be if you are looking to settle down, as well. Lots of interesting projects to get involved with. It is a great group of people that you work with every day and all are looking to help you accomplish your goals.

Review №15

Absolutely amazing. Im very satisfied with everything here: with my colleagues (the atmosphere is working and friendly), with workplace, with environment, with administration, and payment. Here is a good parking place and nice kitchen for lunch break, where we discuss about everything, like a real family. It’s really big fortune for me to be a member of this company.

Review №16

I cannot say enough positive things about my past year at USA Link System. Every day I am challenged in ways I never expected but Ive been able to grow tremendously as a result. Between trainings that come up almost weekly, to interactions with peers and executive stakeholders, and the transparency into where the business stands I have many opportunities to grow my own career and have a direct view into how I am helping USA Link System grow better. The executive team makes hiring a priority and I have a manager who is kind, empathetic, and pushes herself and her team to constantly set the bar higher.

Review №17

This organization has one of the best value systems of any company Ive come across. They truly value their people, and do as much as they can for a professional services company to support them, make them happy, and give them a place to grow their careers. Ive been amazed at the focus and quality of the conversations around people and culture within the leadership team. By focusing on their employees, USA Link System trusts that their clients will be well taken care of, and that financial results will take care of themselves. This is a huge asset for the company, as they have a deep sense of what matters to their employees and clients.

Review №18

First and foremost, an amazing culture with people who genuinely care. USA Link System provides the platform to develop the culture, experience, and career that you want. It’s not prescriptive, so you’ll need to take action and be accountable for what you want to do at USA Link System. It is very apparent, no matter who you are talking to, that people are not just showing up to work because theyre getting paid. There is a genuine dedication to clients we work with, the meaningful work we are involved in, and also in each other and our community. USA Link System does a phenomenal job of taking care of its employees, providing opportunities to grow and learn and make connections across the market.

Review №19

Very talented and bright individuals. Amazing opportunities and great managers who support their direct reports. Work environment is well structured and therefore predictable. Colleagues are amicable. Workload and work-life balance are quite reasonable. Good workplace to start a new career.

Review №20

Great experience working with smart and mostly caring people, management really cares about employees well-being. Amazing benefits you can hardly find anywhere else. World class formal and informal training opportunities. Prestige in the industry which facilitates good exit options. Overall work and projects can be really fun and exciting.

Review №21

USA Link System is the favorite company Ive worked for so far in my career. First and foremost, the company has an amazing company culture. People are really good to one another here. While people are smart and driven, they also care about making sure that everyone works together well. As USA Link System is constantly growing, there has also been opportunities to try new things and be promoted quickly.

Review №22

We can start off with the culture...unbelievably positive! When I started I was new to the industry, the role, and, truthfully, had no idea what I was doing! Whether it is my manager, desk neighbor, or anyone in the entire organization , EVERYONE is SO open to helping you! This company really goes above and beyond to make sure their employees work hard and get rewarded for their efforts. The commission structure is great, salary is good, and the benefits are absolutely amazing.

Review №23

Great culture! Everyone at USA Link System is so welcoming, supportive, and helpful. I am working here as a back-end developer for 2 years already and have never experienced any unhappy situations. With tons of wellness activities, employees here are always happy and working hard on big projects. Im amazed with how many intelligent and ambitious people are here - I always feel challenged and driven!

Review №24

I have been blown away by the level of empowerment that the leaders at USA Link System demonstrate. They arent afraid of letting employees take ownership. If you make a mistake, own up to it, and learn from it. Its a beautiful thing to truly be part of the company and helping make a difference.

Review №25

You get the opportunity to work with innovative people that inspire you to hone your craft. The company itself is growing rapidly but intelligently. It is not a place that just fills seats. My ideas get heard and we all collaboratively work toward goals together. Departments do not operate in silos; there is a lot of criss-cross. You get the feeling that everyone is truly invested in ensuring that you and your department is successful. The company invests in their people.

Review №26

USA Link System is a great place to work! I am working here for a little under a year and can’t be happier. Im on a great team where my manager cares about my growth and encourages me to ask questions! Everyone is friendly and values your opinion which is the opposite of where I came from. They have great employee perks and so many fun events for the entire company to get together for and enjoy! Its definitely a work hard, play hard environment. Havent experienced anything negative yet.

Review №27

USA Link System is taking deliberate steps to grow and evolve. The people here are motivated to help both their customers as well as the environment. The culture is relaxed and positive. My co-workers are passionate about what they do, and people here are considerate, inspired to do good work, and provide a needed service.

Review №28

Get to work in multiple industries and functions, with people across the organization. Challenging job that always stays interesting. I love working with clients, our amazing teams, and the thrill of working on the most critical issues for my industry. Brilliant and intellectually curious colleagues, independence to shape your own work, access to c-suite leaders, great opportunities for career development.

Review №29

The culture at USA Link System is truly unique and incredibly special. Team members have endless opportunities to grow professionally. Management provides the resources team members need to advance their careers, whether it’s through continuous support in your job, or outlets for participating in training and earning certifications. USA Link System is a place where you are encouraged to be innovative, while also having opportunities to shape your job to reflect the personal goals that you want to achieve.

Review №30

One of the best things about working at USA Link System is the company culture. Even as a junior I feel my opinions are valued, my work and efforts are appreciated, and I have a voice. The communication on my team is excellent and open. On top of that, everyone in the office is friendly and communication is encouraged, from the top down. So far my experience here, from my first interview to now has been very positive and I would highly recommend this company to a friend.

Review №31

The company offers a lot of possibilities to grow as a professional: you are able to work on different projects in different countries closing different positions. Your career growth will be as fast as you want it to be. Another thing I would like to mention is professionalism. The company does a great job in management as there are many employees but still everyone’s being paid attention to and mentoring is also a big plus for new recruits. Current employee at the moment looking forward to the most interesting and useful tasks.

Review №32

The employees here are great! Ive never worked at a place where everyone is as friendly and gets along as well as they do at this company. There are some super smart people who really know what they are doing and because of that we are free to make decisions and work freely without much if any micromanagement. The work you do here is always creative and you have the power to make decisions and changes. The culture has really grown over the last couple years and its become a family environment.

Review №33

Strong leadership team that understands how to stay technically ahead of competition, a culture of relentless pursuit of excellent customer service, and outstanding product; a work environment where everyone is encouraged and has the opportunity to become a thought leader. The senior leaders have great vision and ability to execute on it. Flexibility of a smaller company and great opportunity for growth. Most employees are hard workers and very motivated.

Review №34

The culture here is like none other! When USA Link System says that culture is important, its not just something to put on paper. It is embedded into everything and you FEEL it from the top down. Its amazing to be a part of a culture that walks the talk! No two days are alike and everyone chips in to make great things happen! From the first call from the recruiter to your first day, you immediately feel the culture and the uniqueness of this brand.

Review №35

I’m currently working as a front-end developer for USA Link System for more than 2 years already. Really many things have changed for better since. You are trusted to do your work and that you must also take care of your own. Ultimately, I’d like to say that USA Link System has given me opportunities to succeed, room to fail, and the tools to leverage both experiences into professional growth.

Review №36

Ive been at this company for almost 1 year and I enjoy working here. The people are smart, the technology we use is up-to-date, we have fun, and there is a certain freedom that exists here which enables you to get work done. Lots of great people who are passionate about what they do. Most everyone here is hungry to make great things and try out new and interesting projects.

Review №37

I work in company for 6 months, but I like how company works and operates. One of policies is an openness-this includes weekly meetings within all departments. Senior management tries to explain the background behind decisions, so you know why one or another thing had to be done. In general everything focuses on making product which would be better for customers. Sometimes mistakes happen, but there is a trend to improve this. This is a very good approach – instead of hiding mistakes, USA Link System focuses on fixing them. Work life balance is very good – it is difficult to improve it without affecting the work (someone should do the work, right?). There are a lot of young people around (ex-students, but usually with great knowledge), but also there are still a number of experienced people – so aging doesnt seems to be a problem at USA Link System.

Review №38

The office culture is truly unbeatable. Youre surrounded by so many people all very passionate about what they do. Celebration and cheering is a norm and the goals of the people align with the goals of the company. Everyone is helpful, imaginative, creative, and determined to make the company better. The company is accomplishing major goals, while still very focused on each and every individual in the office.

Review №39

USA Link System offers excellent opportunities to grow, developing your industry knowledge and growing in the company as well as furthering your career goals. Great communication between employees and upper management. Self-driven work ethic. USA Link System makes sure that the employees have the tools necessary to succeed.

Review №40

Great culture, nice people—genuinely kind work environment filled with very smart, proactive people. Wonderful management team that realizes it all about the people theyve hired and have seen several colleagues be promoted from within. Feel valued in this awesome collaborative environment.

Review №41

Personally, Ive found a long list of pros for working for USA Link System. Some of the main reasons are the leaders and atmosphere. The management team is extremely knowledgeable and more than willing to help with any struggles, questions, and concerns. They take pride in training and developing their team! Additionally, the opportunity for growth is a huge motivation for me, personally. Out of all the employers who have said the sky is the limit with our company, I have never found it to be more true than with USA Link System.

Review №42

Positive and creative space and environment, great people and community, flexible schedule, a lot of educational and career opportunities. I love coming to work everyday and I feel like I’m really doing something to make the world a better place to live in. So far my experience here, from my first interview to now has been very positive and I would highly recommend this company to a friend.

42 Photos
5 Rating
  • Address:1945 Gardena Ave Suite 100, Glendale, CA 91204, United States
  • Site:
  • Phone:+1 800-908-6782
  • Advertising agency
  • Internet marketing service
  • Website designer
Working hours
  • Monday:9am–6pm
  • Tuesday:9am–6pm
  • Wednesday:9am–6pm
  • Thursday:9am–6pm
  • Friday:9am–6pm
  • Saturday:Closed
  • Sunday:Closed
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