MarketSource Inc
11700 Great Oaks Way, Alpharetta, GA 30022, United States

Review №1

They dont respond. Theyre menus are constantly changing. Its absurd. I used to respect them , now its just one of those sad things. They still owe me money. Its crazy!

Review №2

Best company I’ve worked for so far. Any issue I have their right there to assist me. I love working with the public so this is the best fit for me. My schedule is prefect being a mom and having to deal with school during the week. Thanks Marketsource for hiring me and giving me the opportunity to assist customers on the daily.

Review №3

Be careful. Bullying is prevalent and HR is useless.

Review №4

Hands down one of the best companies that I have ever worked for! I started working for this company in January and I ABSOLUTELY LOVE IT! They are wonderful! I havent physically met most of my team, but the bond that we have with each other and our manager is awesome! They work with my busy school schedule and my crazy life schedule. My pay is great and I honestly have no complaints. 😁

Review №5

Beautiful employee lounge.

Review №6

If I could give this company a negative 100 I would. Their training and customer service wasted 6 hours of my life which I didnt get paid for. Their website has major problems that they said never has happened and blamed on me. Dont ever accept an offer from them!!

Review №7

Good place to work and make friends, but very little pay to the point that the target employees make more than you do and a day before I was supposed to receive my last paycheck they notified me they were going to send it via mail instead of direct deposit. Causing me to be late on all my bills that week. But other than that great enviornment and people.

Review №8

The companys management is not, to say the least, competent. They are more then willing to fire their own for only being a couple of minutes late. Yet, they claim that they can provide better services then your local cellphone company stores. I see no improvement of treatment with their team members, no improvement in management and no improvement of confident leaders. Do not, I repeat, DO NOT conduct business with this company.

Review №9

When I was first hired on with this company I thought “you know what, why not?” Before working for this monstrosity of a company, I drove for Lyft and was getting by. The reason why I am leaving such a horrible review for this company is for one, they set extremely unattainable sales goals for their reps. For two, they had next to nothing in the stores inventory to sell, and they also only gave us one carrier to sell meaning if a humble Verizon or Sprint customer came in, we had to persuade them to switch which almost never happened. Also, when they initially hire you on, they give you a nice long salespitch on the history of their great company, but they don’t actually show you how to activate phones until your in the store and actually in front of a customer. I’m also a part of the LGBT community and I have to say the way that I was treated by my guests was beyond horrible. I was harassed for my gender identity and some of my guests created a very hostile work environment forMe. When I heard that they were downsizing from 1200 to about 800 stores and that my store was one of the locations on the chopping block, I was kind of happy. If i wereTo say anything about this company it is this. Value your employees more and listen to what they have to say instead of going off total BS claims made by the store regarding customer complaints with absolutely NO Merritt. If you want us to sell, please provide better training and actually stock the cell phones and accessories that customers want. Honestly, before I started with MarketSource, I had absolutely NO idea that this complaint even existed. I am like most people. When I think of buying an iPhone, I by default think the Apple store or Best Buy or even in rare instances the corporate store. If you want to make yourself more visible as a company, instead of setting unattainable numbers and doing gift card promotions, spend some money on web and TV ads.I’m pretty sure if I saw a Marketsource ad and I knew there was a small boat at the back of the store I would totally buy my phones there.

Review №10

Dont give them an out. They have put me off of working sales completely. They are constantly changing, but when I worked there they got worse by the month. I am told the commission rate has improved nicely, but I think that Id rather work for someone who knows/cares I exist. They used to have a decent system and good people until they started outsourcing their customer service to a digital platform. For me, it was downhill after that. The supervisor role was just a glorified term for makes better sales. That said, I liked the people I worked with at my stores. It was an easy job, and getting commission was nice (even though I had to call and make sure they sent me my last check after I left). 2 stars, because Ive definitely seen and heard of worse.

Review №11

Got let go from a Marketsource gig a few years back for not working enough hours. I was being paid for 40 hours a week, working 50-60 to meet quotas, and I was not provided with any means of punching in and out to demonstrate my work hours. Marketsource has since settled a class-action lawsuit over the terms of my (and approx. 2200 others working the same job) employment. They did not pay us the overtime they were legally required to compensate us for. This is a SHADY, SHADY company, and I am overjoyed that they have been hit with a $3-million-plus penalty for treating their employees so poorly.

Review №12

My personal experiences have been noting but positive. This organization has a strong performance culture that unfortunately isnt always the best place for everyone. If you are a person of high character and performance mindset you can certainly find many great growth opportunities at MarketSource or any of our sister OpCos. I encourage you to seek out one of the many growth opportunities we have and join our winning team.Thank you,SC

Review №13

Ashton Lewis, a recruiter, reached out to me for an employment opportunity. I responded that I was interested. The next day, I get a text message about the opportunity. Ashton wanted to set up an interview for a Sarah. I told him that I was not Sarah. He goes on to say that its a generic template and he didn’t bother to change the name. After telling Ashton, I was no longer interested. He decided to mock my misspelling. I don’t recommend anyone doing business with Market Source.

Review №14

Their recruiters misrepresent themselves as being from other, more prestigious companies, when in reality theyre nothing more than a US version of outsourcing. They paid us a decent hourly wage but they specifically reached out to anyone with an online resume that had retail experience and are somewhat predatory in who they go for.Their programs are awful though. No management, no oversight, their tech doesnt work, and they are pretty bad about paying people on time. Just an awful company to work for.

Review №15

Great place to work. Im focused on the Automotive Vertical on the Commercial side of the business and really enjoy the opportunity to engage with our various Automotive customers helping them grow their business!

Review №16

This place always has the best looking people!Honestly that is 90% of marketing!I have no doubt they do a good job!

Review №17

Not worth it. I was offered a job and took it. Took me over a month just to start. When i did finally get the ball rolling.........nothing but stress and extremely unprofessional co-workers. Never again. My team leader went above and beyond to slander my name with her best friend who just so happens to work in the same building. Snide remarks were made my first day of training. Now no one is answering their phones and the issues are being ignored. Way to go. Very professional. I left my first day crying and have been stressed out since. I better see my pay check for the worst 4 hours Ive ever had to endure with bullies for store staff.

Review №18

Hands down the best place I have worked in my career. Great culture, ample diversity, and quality leadership.

Review №19

Its April 3rd, 2018. I have worked for Market Source over one year now and I love it. I have good management dealings. I love the hours, pay, and pay days. How many companies pay you twice per week? You have to be a very disciplined person to work here, as you are working in the store by yourself.It sounds as if the negative reviews posted are mainly caused by miscommunication with management.My phone calls are always answered.Thank you, Market Source for my position.Doretta DavisSedalia, Missouri

Review №20

THE WORST PLACE TO WORK!!!!!!Management has no clue as to what they ARE doing. Mentally challenged people can do a better job.They offer me a sales position.then never schedule you to work. A waste of my time thank you marketsource.

Review №21

This has got to be one of the worst companies to work for..MarketSource opened an Apple Shop in Macy’s New York. I was told I would receive bonuses commission and even overtime..I find out on my first day it was all LIES!!! All commission sales would go to Macy employees only! I wasn’t allowed to grab a product for a customer let alone ring it up. I would basically be security for the if I helped a customer for 30 minutes and they purchased a MacBook or iwatch a Macy’s employee would reap all of the benefits..they dnt pay on time and your last check gets mailed...the company is based in Atlanta so if I had an issue it would take days to solve because I’d have to email a human resource rep...

Review №22

Dynamic organization that focuses on the optimization of people, process and technology while providing a workplace of collaboration, diversity, and collegiality.

Review №23

Do you like being paid the wrong amount? Do you enjoy being mislead by management? Do you enjoy being told to scam customers? Then do we have a job for you!I worked at Target Mobile as a Team Leader. The job isnt bad and it can be pretty fast paced or horribly slow but it gives you variety. That was the only good part of this job.The pay starts at minimum wage and Team Leads make $11.50. Target employees make $11 so you always feel like you are getting screwed over. There are no raises, you do not get paid time off, and the commission structure is horrible and they do not give you a breakdown of why you made what in commission so you often will be underpaid even if you provide them evidence proving you were underpaid. They do not pay you the proper amount often. I am still owed nearly $1,000 in backpay that I have been fighting for since September. They will often have you fill in at other stores and claim they will give you mileage and then they promptly forget. You will rarely get time off. I was forced to work 37 days straight and after I got help they still would schedule me 6 or 7 days a week and would cut other peoples hours even though I did not want these days and others did and I wrote the schedule accordingly. They overrode my schedule and didnt care about our well-being.On Black Friday we were told we would get holiday pay. We did not. We were all forced to work 14 hour shifts or more, after working until midnight on Thanksgiving beforehand, and they didnt even give us the holiday pay they promised. To top it off they had us scamming customers by adding insurance without asking the customer.Overall, a very shady company with very little benefit to you. You are better off being unemployed or working from home on things like Mechanical Turk

Review №24

Unsolicited emails from MarketSource regarding open positions. Very generic in nature which is a big red flag. Seems like a scam, there also appear to be many fake reviews regarding this company.

Review №25

The level of professionalism does not exist and I’m speaking on the DM I gave him my notice assured him it was not personal I was not leaving for another company it was purely and unfortunately due to medical and the man in a TEXT message threw an entire fit with a complete lack of empathy and removed me from the schedule completely that’s RETALIATION at its best. This man yells in the group chats about personal conversations and then turns around and have personal conversations himself. I never met someone who has the role of a leader leave such a bad taste in my mouth. Robert Champion of District 58 I truly hope you take some classes in professionalism and leadership you want to be everybody friend boyfriend or enemy but never a boss.

Review №26

This company has proven time and time again on its outstanding professionalism. There too notch customer service and employees that they train for all fields are always superior. This agency is a light in a dark tunnel to work for. I will forever reccomend people to begin a career with them.

Review №27

If you want an low paying job with little commission this is the place to be. The district manager doesn’t care and do his job at all. My first week, I didn’t getMy first check until I had to call the department of labor office. We had meetings district meetings and the district and the team leads would curse us out like crazy, very disrespectful. They promote you and don’t give you your correct pay. Not to mention, they would hire 6 people and give everyone 8 hours and expect for people to make plenty of sales. Last thing, they would make paint a pretty picture and tell you can get dental & health along with a few perks. All of it is not even worth it. They also lied about my PAY!!!

Review №28

Company is so reactive it will never thrive. Allegis group as a whole is great but this branch needs to be let go. It’s all fake numbers to give to Target to pretend it’s okay. Their systems are broken and refuse to change. Management wants numbers that just can’t be produced in a scenario like that for every store but they still happen because people fake the numbers.. Hope you figure out how to fix that before it’s too late.

Review №29

This company is criminal. After falsely accusing me of theft of something I had proof I paid for I’m being religiously hounded by different lawyers they paid to send me threatening letters in the mail. They’re ruining my life. I can’t wait to see this horrible place burn.

Review №30

Poor upper management BEWARE.....This company is literally the worst company to work for on this entire planet! They expected me to learn everything I needed to know by the online trainings. They had another employee come train me for one day and I literally didnt get to do anything hands on. This company dosent care about anyone but themselves. Avoid working for them at all costs!!!

Review №31

Do you like being paid the wrong amount? Do you enjoy being mislead by management? Do you enjoy being told to scam customers? Then do we have a job for you!I worked at Target Mobile as a Team Leader. The job isnt bad and it can be pretty fast paced or horribly slow but it gives you variety. That was the only good part of this job.The pay starts at minimum wage and Team Leads make $11.50. Target employees make $11 so you always feel like you are getting screwed over. There are no raises, you do not get paid time off, and the commission structure is horrible and they do not give you a breakdown of why you made what in commission so you often will be underpaid even if you provide them evidence proving you were underpaid. They do not pay you the proper amount often. I am still owed nearly $1,000 in backpay that I have been fighting for since September. They will often have you fill in at other stores and claim they will give you mileage and then they promptly forget. You will rarely get time off. I was forced to work 37 days straight and after I got help they still would schedule me 6 or 7 days a week and would cut other peoples hours even though I did not want these days and others did and I wrote the schedule accordingly. They overrode my schedule and didnt care about our well-being.On Black Friday we were told we would get holiday pay. We did not. We were all forced to work 14 hour shifts or more, after working until midnight on Thanksgiving beforehand, and they didnt even give us the holiday pay they promised. To top it off they had us scamming customers by adding insurance without asking the customer.Overall, a very shady company with very little benefit to you.

Review №32

I work here. Best position I have ever had. Good salary, benefits, and work/life balance. Plus free coffee.

Review №33

Worked as a tech lead for 6 months.This company continues to change commission pay. $4.00 for every phone you sell. They took our PTO away and switched it with sick pay. The DM is a liar, makes promises she don’t keep. The pay is below minimum wage. Don’t work for this company..

Review №34

Been here since 2008, great company.

Review №35

This is the worst customer experience I have ever received. If you are doing a pre order or any other cell phone purchase I urge you to not go through Target Tech. This company is a joke. I read through my terms and conditions and what they told me on the phone is completely different. I will never go back to target tech for my cell phone needs.

Review №36

Is 0 stars an option? I worked here for a few months to get me through the holiday season, the first 3 months I worked here my name was wrong in the system because they do not know how to copy things from documents and my checks were wrong. And now it is end of February and I still have not received my W2 and they cannot find my name or social in the database to see if I had a reprint sent out. Do not work for this company!

Review №37

They are really unprofessional and like to stall things out for a long time to get you fired or uninterested. This company should have just stayed bankrupt and dead since earlier this year. I work under the Maryland DM and they are the worst group of people to work for. Just watch yourself if you do look into it. I highly dont recommend it whether you are good at sales or not!

Review №38

After working for the company from November 1 to January 16. I submitted my two weeks. I was a part-timer making 10.25 an hour. Commission? Well 3 phones sales in one day equaled to $27. I had to look for a second job but wanted to keep the current one(marketsource) long story short. I had to submit my two weeks notice because the boss did not want to deal with me coming in 2 hours late for the first time in 2018 I did it a second time in 2017. He texted me if I was going to come in either way on 01/16/18 I said yes out of courtesy I was being considerate. For nothing; looked at my scheduled and he retaliated by not scheduling me those twos weeks; although not require a professional district manager would have been ethical and still schedule me the same amount of days. Two days per week.Thought I post this in hopes the hire ups see this and look into some internal investigation.In no way or form am I bashing the company it has great employee perks. However, I am bashing the district manager from the state of Connecticut, Waterbury ...for his unprofessional and unethical conduct. Retaliation is a bad habit to conduct at such a high level of authority.

Review №39

0 Customer service or problem solving skills......if they get minimum wage, its too high.

Review №40

I worked at a target in SC for Marketsource. Now let me just say, my manager was awesome I loved her but everything else about that company was corrupt and wrong. I remember after the holiday hours were over we got new store hours for us and everyone’s hours were cut drastically. I went from working 4 days a week with 6 hour shifts to working maybe one day a week getting between 5-9 hour shifts. By the way there were only three people working at my section which included me, my manager, and one woman who had another job so she could only work 1-2 days a week. So that left my manager to work literally every single day because she couldn’t schedule us anymore than she already was because she would get in trouble with Marketsource if she gave us more hours, BUT she said she would also get in trouble if she worked too many hours?? So when I finally asked her why me and the other employees at other locations weren’t getting any more hours, she said corporate told her that “We hadn’t proven ourselves worthy of getting those hours back”. Like are you kidding me??? This company is going to crumble if they don’t get their act straight. Also after about 2 months of not working there I have YET to receive my final paycheck, I was set up for direct deposit but when I quit they decided to turn that off and mail all my checks. Which is so stupid, but out of 4 checks I was supposed to receive, I have only gotten 2. My final hourly paycheck (which I should’ve gotten first) is a check I have yet to receive.. No matter how much I try and contact the company. So let me just say. Don’t ever work here, unless you want to be treated like total sh*t. :)

Review №41

Marketsource does a great job at presenting opportunities for growth and advancement. Great culture and even better people

Review №42

Zero stars! Google made me pick one star...Just worked my lasted day after being with company for 3 years. I couldnt take it anymore. They took away any position that I could advice to. Cut raises havent had one in 2 years! They also cut the commission making it hard to make any real money. The last commission check I got was $41 dollars.. around this time 2 years ago my commission checks were $1200. This company is selfish and DOES NOT care about you as an individual. Went threw 3 districts managers and was never once offered or trained for the position.They will take and take and just pale on more bs for you to sell, while finding away not to pay you for what you sold.Working inside of a target were they truly dont care about you being there is tough. There was never any support or help from their management and I think the store manager is a drunk... all in all DONT WORK FOR THIS COMPANY. Huge waste of 3 years of my life. Starting a new position with a credible company on Monday!

Review №43

Ludmilla Santana, a MarketSource employee stationed at the Target department store in Danvers, MA is very knowledgeable about cellular telephones. Ludmilla explained how the Consumer Cellular Alcatel model cell phone works and also the discount I get being an AARP member. Ludmill is very patient with customers and I love my new Alcatel flip phone model by Consumer Cellular. She was able to transfer my 70 plus contacts from a previous flip phone to my new Alcatel phone. Ludmilla is doing an awesome job as a representative of MarketSource!

Review №44

Absolutely by far the worst job I’ve ever had. They do not care if you receive the proper training. To them you’re just another number nothing more. I was completely lied to about pay and hours and benefits.

Review №45

I was an Event Sales Rep for this company from 2015-2017 sellung Wal-Mart Family Mobile and T-Mobile prepaid and post paid plans. Started off okay it was nerve wreaking to stand around in the store pestering people to get Celluar services. 85% of the time the person did not have mobile coverage in there area. Fast forward to 2017 Family Mobile and other services were bought out by TRACFONE , two months later me and my team of about 10 peole where laid off with no warning. I dont recommend working for this company they screw everything over.

Review №46

If I were able to give 0 Stars I would.

Review №47

This company is one of the worst companies to work for. Commission is terrible and hourly isn’t any better. I worked there for 3 years under a corrupted DM and she falsified time sheets and wrote us up for minor inconveniences to her. This place does not care for the customer or the employee.

Review №48

This is an incredible company for which to work. Great sharing and learning culture.

Review №49

Id give them a zero if I could. I worked for them 2 diffrent tim. total of 5 years in Iowa selling wireless phones in Target when I went back. Thiere is NOT REALLY growth for lowerevel employees much cause they hire outside for hire leve positions mostly. I didnt get a pay raise until I got promoted to kiosk team lead and i didnt see another after that. The phone industry is very saturated I worked across the street from Verizon, At&t, t mobile and us cell so you can imagine how hard it was to get phones out. My District manager Steve Rooney was GREAT guy one the BEST managers I have had but the company is garbage! They let my district manger go for some new guy named Adam who was a lying manipulative slime ball dweeb who was trying to fire me cause I wouldnt manipulate the upgrade checks for phones. He wanted us just to do upgrade checks with people having no intent on even geting a phone to fudge his numbers and make himself look good. In the end he fires me while I was in and out of the hospital and I had a doctors note then come to find out he had intent all along to give my job to his roommate which he did end up doing. I stuck around in the beginb even when the company took away PTO from lower employees and kept changing commission structure to were you couldnt make much money, very stupid of me but I liked my manager Steve. In the beginning it was a ok place to work which is why I went back. I would never recommend working for them no benefits not even really any holiday pay for lower level employees. They even messed up on bunch of employees commission and pay checks. If you get offered a position to sell phones in Target your best bet is just to sell for the wireless companys themself and not go through market source cause I promise you you will have better commission and hourly plus better benefits like holiday pay and PTO, You will not get it through market source unless your hire up in management.

Review №50

3 words: DONT DO IT!Leaders lack leadership skills. Target tech members are targets little puppets. If we don’t do what red shirts want us to do they will email your dm and your employment if marketsource comes to an end. Marketsource is target’s B:@&H.

Review №51

They do not care about their employees. Limited and low quality training, extremely low benefits and pay and not to mention un-organized and poorly managed - ( at least in my district ) The best part of the job was my co-workers and the bonus after black Friday. Other than that, an absolute bore with a constant pushing to lie and con your clients for a very sad commission system. My district manager was a complete asshat.

Review №52

Do not care about long term employees and true morals of sales. Please make marketsource your last resort option for employment. Like I said, very last resort..

Review №53

Stoled two years of my life no vacation, no raises was always top 1-3 salesperson every month then realising I was being used by DM he never gave me a raise only promoted women that he liked dont work here long term it will ruin your health holidays is the worse they dont care about long term employees. McDonalds is probably a better place to work.

Review №54

They don’t care about there employees

Review №55

They told me I have the job based off my experience....Waited weeks for them to finalize everything and then I called them to figure out what was going on and said they said that they hired someone else... went through so many hoops and interviews to get on them...So I dont fill out applications anymore..I dont do video interviews...Market Source can go to hell !!! 9

Review №56

Worst company I ever worked for.

Review №57

I’ve been working with this company for over 3 wks and have not got paid yet and we get paid every week.. beside the pay being really late it’s a good company and great employees

Review №58

First quarter: Learn basics of job, get trained partially by 2 - 4 individuals, some good at their job, some not. Zero reference given to role and duties. Mandatory work involves selling of phones.Second Quarter: First DM has left due to lack of advancement opportunity. Your boss goes to work for your client putting you in line to become a store manager.Third Quarter: You are now a store manager. You get a 1 - 2 dollar pay increase. Great job. You get zero orientation regarding your new role, and your day to day work remains virtually identical.Fourth Quarter: Your new DM has finally shown up after 6 months without one. Shes pretty great. You come to find shes pretty great because her primary skill is in delay and stalling.Fifth Quarter: Still no increase in productivity. She is succumbing to heavy workload (according to her) so you are promoted to district captain. You are now one of two district captains. You now read of new promos on Sunday, and act as a point of assistance for newer hires.Sixth Quarter: You are now the promos captain, as well as the lead trainer for your half of the district as a captain. Things are looking up right? Wrong. Productivity is still at a low pause. Absolutely nothing has changed in the last 365 days. But hey, youve now staffed half your districts stores with store managers. Resume looks great now!Seventh Quarter: Your district manager is let go for productivity. The other captain is sort of made DM while your neighboring districts DM is sort of DM, youre all but pushed to the side with no plans set by your now former DM so you basically sit in confusion and keep your store tidy and begin optimizing at a store level.Eighth Quarter: Your attempt to optimize operations at a store level have failed as the newly appointed store manager (client) has basically no idea why you work in his store and feels more comfortable talking to your equal in Madison rather than you.Ninth Quarter: The store level client management puts in forms for your removal after you printed off documented notation of the contract between your company and his. Since your original District manager set certain time-clock expectations that no longer apply as of 6 months ago, regardless of whether or not you knew, it is used against you as a violation of employment. You receive a call at the end of your shift from the DM of the neighboring district whom will tell you your services are no longer required.I hope I just saved you two years of your life.

Review №59

You show interest in a position from another website ... They call you , you jump though all these hoops and then wait weeks to hear from them...They may be trying to fish your peraonal information...

Review №60

Unless you enjoy being disrespected and gossiped about by your district manager for very low compensation and being taken advantage of because your boss is understaffed incredibly, I’d strongly suggest you stay away from this company and stay away from Target Tech. Training consists of 3 days watching another team leader or manager work and by the second day you’re being thrown in a store you never agreed to work at. D116 isn’t the district you want to work for, the district manager will lie immensely and tell you that “recruiting told me something different” once you tell him that you don’t drive and have a license, and manipulate conversations just to see if you’ll throw other team members under the bus, as well as lie to Target and tell target you’ve done a no call no show when you have proof that that never happened. In addition to that he’ll hire just anyone and gossip to them thinking they won’t tell you everything that was said and exactly how it was said. Your team leads, or the store managers will know less than you and their egos will get in the way of allowing you to help them, all for just a beautiful, beautiful $9/hr. Commission is only based off of how well your store is doing and how much traffic you’ll get in the store and towards the holidays your district manager will lie and tell the new hires that MarketSource told him they agreed to work without commission. Human Resources will promise you reimbursement for expenses paid for traveling somewhere you never agreed to work after specifically telling both your boss and recruiters that you’re not willing to travel and they won’t ever answer their phones when you really need them. The miscommunication is impeccable. Great team members but the management and the company within itself is very unprofessional and they honestly don’t care about you or your needs, nor your efforts to grow in the company, proof is in your district manager hiring an aggressive over you as a manager who lied on their resume to get the job and actively admitted that his first day working and got fired within the second week of his employment because of an “incident” your district manager was very much aware of. Oh and did I mention how your district manager will call your personal cell, both during your shifts and days off non stop but can’t ever return your calls because he’s “too busy with conference calls” could write a tell-all if I wanted to about my 3 months working for this company but I think I’ve said enough here, MarketSource have a LONG way to go with getting it all together, so bless you if you become a new hire and seek potential in this company as a Target Tech team Member, good luck everyone!

Review №61

They do not pay you what you are owed, they are shady & thats always been the case even with former employees. They expect you to abide by the system even though the required app for work is dysfunctional.

Review №62

Horrible at sending your paycheck! It has been 3 weeks and I havent been paid. 2nd check re issued and still no where to be found. Doesnt matter if you keep in contact with them or not, they dont know anything.

Review №63

The worst company Ive ever worked for

Review №64

Company keeps harassing me with ongoing emails despite multiple requests to delete my information.

Review №65

Theyll wrongfully term you even with a Dr note.

Review №66

Im getting payed two dollars beneath the minimum wage at my job. Even though my supervisor has contacted them multiple times, they are seemingly ignoring the issue.

Review №67

Unsolicited Contact via text message from this company. Call them up to get removed from the list, and they tell me to delete my contact info.Sorry, that is not how it works.

Review №68

Horrible company to work for, trust me. They have horrible miscommunication issues with their client, they blame you for things you didnt do, encourage lying to customers, and more. They should be closed down. I was also told I would receive a pay raise and didnt, and was forced to change locations after explicitly telling them pre employment that I didnt want to do so

Review №69

Seriously bad company. they will lie their faces off and not pay you! stay away. James Sanderson is a punk too lol

Review №70

No one never ansrew the phone, I find it unsettling. Something off about this company.

Review №71

The absolute WORST, wasted over a year with this company! zero stars should be an option...

Review №72

Its a great place to work

Review №73

If you like low pay, zero opportunity for advancement, and terrible commission rates, this company would love to hire you

Review №74

No commission as promised, not even close, do not work here

Review №75

The worst company I ever worked for

Review №76

Harassing emails.

Review №77

Great place to work.

Review №78

Great company to work for!

Review №79

Quick money racist managers

Review №80

Great company culture!

Review №81


7 Photos
2.4 Rating
  • Address:11700 Great Oaks Way, Alpharetta, GA 30022, United States
  • Site:
  • Phone:+1 770-674-5000
  • Business development service
  • Business to business service
  • Corporate office
Working hours
  • Monday:Closed
  • Tuesday:9am–5pm
  • Wednesday:9am–5pm
  • Thursday:9am–5pm
  • Friday:9am–5pm
  • Saturday:9am–5pm
  • Sunday:Closed
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